Thursday, November 10, 2005

The ESP-iNsipid Zone

What form of punishmenet is being placed at the feet of early morning risers?

Fine that not all of you enjoy the "dawn (of the dead) zone" of the day, that time that occurs before the sun has finished hitting the snooze button and has begun to shine. But, for those that do, and need that little nudge of TV to keep us awake on the elliptical machine (it's not pretty what can happen when you fall asleep on one...) ESPN has just gone and decided to make me want to crawl right back into bed and hope the telecast nightmare is over. Who in their right mind wants to watch a "simulated clubhouse meeting"? YAWN!!! Isn't that what C-SPAN is for?
if it were comical, satirical, or downright raunchy, it might be one thing, but to watch faux baseball managers holding faux press meeting...STOOOOOOPID! Why not just have someone reading the rosters of each professional sports league team.... or the menu from the local chinese fast food delivery joint? That would be about as engaging!

I thought the morning time was the time set aside for infomercials. I once hated them, but now seeing the competetion, I am all about The Home Shopping Network if it supplants this crap!

Now I know where the expression, "I want my MTV" came from....


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