Thursday, December 08, 2005

Taking the Christ out of Christian

Holdiay Party...Yuletide Cheer...whatever!

I try not to get too involved in religious issues, but I just couldn't hold back when I saw the latest Christmas/Christian flap. Sure we can bicker about a "Holiday Tree" versus a "Christmas Tree" and taking Christ out of Christmas, (which, far be it for me to give advice, but I believe everyone's holiday would be a little nicer if we just could celebrate Christmas without having to deal with religion! Maybe if we picked some time in March it might be a better month to select a day dedicated to religious bickering over brandy and that nasty fruitcake that no one has yet dared to eat, or throw away) but what happens when Christians decide to take a holiday on THE Holy-day?

It appears several mega-churches are closing their doors this Christmas Sunday so people can be home with family. Since when has Christmas been about family? Christmas is about arguing, egg nog, and ill-fitting sweaters and too many pairs of socks! Since when does the holy day become a business inconvenience to a business that is all about celbrating that holy day???

It seems that any of those people who support a church that decides it needs to be closed on this Christmas Sunday ought to be taken away to some manger and beat senseless with a stocking filled with coal and then thrown to the lions!

Let me get this right, we are in the business of the lord, but on the day of the lord's birth, we shut down our normal "open house"policy so we can celebrate with family...
it just seems like these are the folks who are taking Christ out of Christmas!

What would Tom Cruise do?

Let's just thank L. Ron Hubbard that Tom Cruise is not a Federal Marshal!

What would Tom "med's are for whimps!" Cruise have done if he was at the Miami airport and had a crazy man come running after him with a possible explosive hidden in his backpack? Yes, the wife was screaming that the guy was off of his meds, but Would Tom Have Cared (WTHC)?

I know he might have inquired to see if a Minority Report had been issued, but heck...if people can't handle reality without meds, shouldn't they be shot? Show no mercy...isn't that part of Scientology according to Tom? Good thing that man's wife wasn't pregnant or going through postparteum depression! Tom might have slapped her sillier than those evil aliens in War of the Worlds!

I can't confirm if the man killed had a Brooke Shields shirt on, but it would have been a bullseye for Tommy!

Oh well, saving the world only to deliver it into the hands of Scientology...isn't that Mission Impossible?

Friday, December 02, 2005

the most "wonderful" time of the year!

Yes, its time to celebrate THE season that makes everyone fussy and cranky...I'd say Christmas, but that's not allowed anymore, unless you live at Jessica Simpson's house and her dad is around (ex-minister that he is)...then it's okay; but I am sure she's not celebrating too much this year...guess she'll be stuck listening to her sister caterwail through "Blue Christmas". I'm thinking K-A-R-M-A has arrived just in time for a "Simpson Christmas Special"!

Getting back on track...I'm not sure what makes yuletide different from any other time of the year, because in general, people can be quite annoying. But it just seems right to be even more annoying during the holidays (maybe it has something to do with family visits? or is it because of all them long lines at the stores which forces you to take a few minutes to pause, while you wait to be helped, and notice whats going on around you and how crazy people are if you stop and watch them).

What drives me nuts? I just realized how annoying those button pushers can be...and you know what I can be waiting at a crosswalk, or riding an elevator, or being at any other service which requires someone to push a button and then wait for a response. You just get these people who think "if hitting it once is good, then 20 times must be better", or, "maybe I didn't push the elevator button hard enough..."or, even better, "maybe these four other people standing here already waiting didn't hit it hard enough". Just yesterday I was on an elevator going down...(sounds like an Aerosmith song, huh?) a guy gets on from floor 2, clarifies that it is going down and then proceeds to hit the already lit, ground floor button 4 times. Did he really need to hit the ground button 4 times? Did he think that we (2 other people enjoying the ride) weren't smart enough to hit the down button? Or, and this is what annoyed me the most...where in the heck did he think the elevator was going to go? He knew it was down, and he was on floor 2...only one last stop to make...Hell. Well, I mean, if none of us thought to hit the ground floor button. Thank God he got on and saved us!

Ah...bring on the holidays!