Taking the Christ out of Christian
Holdiay Party...Yuletide Cheer...whatever!
I try not to get too involved in religious issues, but I just couldn't hold back when I saw the latest Christmas/Christian flap. Sure we can bicker about a "Holiday Tree" versus a "Christmas Tree" and taking Christ out of Christmas, (which, far be it for me to give advice, but I believe everyone's holiday would be a little nicer if we just could celebrate Christmas without having to deal with religion! Maybe if we picked some time in March it might be a better month to select a day dedicated to religious bickering over brandy and that nasty fruitcake that no one has yet dared to eat, or throw away) but what happens when Christians decide to take a holiday on THE Holy-day?
It appears several mega-churches are closing their doors this Christmas Sunday so people can be home with family. Since when has Christmas been about family? Christmas is about arguing, egg nog, and ill-fitting sweaters and too many pairs of socks! Since when does the holy day become a business inconvenience to a business that is all about celbrating that holy day???
It seems that any of those people who support a church that decides it needs to be closed on this Christmas Sunday ought to be taken away to some manger and beat senseless with a stocking filled with coal and then thrown to the lions!
Let me get this right, we are in the business of the lord, but on the day of the lord's birth, we shut down our normal "open house"policy so we can celebrate with family...
it just seems like these are the folks who are taking Christ out of Christmas!